Monday, February 13, 2006

what a dull birthday

5th february 2006 marks my 23rd birthday but man, was it dull! no celebration... no presents... (well except ang paus from me daddee and mummee)... no cards... just sweet birthday messages from friends and family and a morning birthday song from hubby.. haha... actually now that i've compiled it, it doesn't sound so bad now does it?
at least it's my first birthday with my little baby khalis... of course he doesn't know what day it is, it just feels special to experience something with him for the very first time... a special day with the usual cries to soothe and tantrums to calm... motherhood does not understand nor have the chance to sit and relax (or have a great birthday celebration for that matter), i have to accept that...
but growing up celebrating each of my birthday makes it hard not to... maybe i'm also getting a little to old for big celebrations anyway... and besides, hubby never really thrives on celebrations, heck, he even forgets his own! =D
well i guess this year marks the beginning of no big birthday celebrations and many more quiet ones to come... hhmm... at least i still have my hubby and lil khalis to go through them... maybe it'll be different when he gets older and understand a little bit more about mummy's infatuation with celebrating birthdays! haha.. we'll see... we'll see... =)

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