Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Michael Jackson

Undoubtedly, millions of people out there are affected by the loss of our King of Pop. Admittedly, I am one of them.

It took a while for the truth to sink in. I felt numb. It wasn't real. He didn't die. It's just a rumour. Even after reading the news on e!online and watching it on the telly, it was just too difficult to accept it. Michael Jackson. Dead. Nope. It can't be.

After a few more 'latest news on MJ's death' in my face; I finally let myself believe it. The ache in my heart is silent to everyone else. Why do I feel this way? I didn't know him personally. He wasn't my father or my brother. He wasn't my husband or a relative.

He was a singer whom I grew up listening to. It was his collection of MTVs (when it was played on a LaserDisc) which I watched over and over as a kid. He was the one who made me and my friends gather round to watch his superb 'Ghost' videoclip. It was the effect he had on us. The magic he had on us.

In many ways he has touched a lot of people's lives. He was a visionary. A humanitarian. A talented songwriter. A superb entertainer. One can't help but watch in awe as he performs his famous moonwalk and dance routines. His songs are undeniably catchy and meaningful.

My heart aches as I think of all the wonderful things he could have done. My heart aches for the long awaited comeback that never was. My heart aches for his children who shares his legacy. My heart aches for the loss of our great music icon.

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