Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day and I wanted to take my dad out for a durian feast at SS2..

Unfortunately, he had a late lunch and wasn't up for it although I was glad he came to see us and spent some time with Buk (Kd was asleep hehe)..

I was pretty upset that we didn't go for it - partly cause I've been craving for durians and also because I wanted to take him out to celebrate..

After he left, Hubs said I bullied my dad by making him come to us.. I don't think he would have said that if my dad didn't bring Buk's early birthday present and some clothes for the boys.. It's as though I made him bring those things on purpose.

I was pretty hurt at what he said because I genuinely wanted to bring my dad to have the feast as he's such a big fan of durians and I know we would enjoy ourselves. I hardly spend time with my dad because of our weird father-daughter relationship (will write about it some time later) and I want to try to make it better.

Well, at least I got to see him and wished him Happy Fathers' Day..

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